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Old 04-03-2008, 03:10 PM   #1
LSBA Past President
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Default Spring Break Poultry & Pork

Our Spring Break was spent at the lease with lots of hunting time. The first evening, I had hogs come in, but the wind was gusting and they winded me before they got into shooting range. It was a group of about 10 dalmatian babies, a big ole multi-colored sow, a small sow and a black boar.

The next evening the same group came in and I decided that I would take the little black boar. The arrow zipped through him and pigs scattered. All the small white ones with black spots took off under the brush. The last one in the group got caught on some underbrush and was lifted off of the ground. His legs were just amoving like he was running, but he was stuck. He looked liked the cartoons when the characters are running, but not going anywhere. I was laughing out loud. Finally, he was able to free himself and catch up with the group.

I got out and checked my arrow and found good blood. I waited for about 20 minutes, because I was pretty sure that I had heard him pile up in the thick brush. I found a good blood trail and found him about 20 yards away under a bush.

The next morning I sat at Bobby's hoping a turkey would come in. I had a bunch of young birds, but nothing that really appealed to me. That evening Hunter killed her first turkey, so we all went back to the cabin early. After she cleaned her bird, we did a little late night calling under the full moon, but we had no takers.

The next evening I sat with Bobby in his blind. He was going to film my hunt. We had a group of hens come in and they ate for a while and disappeared down the hill. Then they came back in for another round. Two strutting jakes showed up, but they quickly headed out with the hens. Bobby was snoozing and I was trying to figure out how to turn the camera on him, so that I could film his reaction when I hit the turkey call in the blind. About that time, a group of jakes came in and foiled my plot.

I decided to go ahead and take a jake, so I could get it on film. I picked out one that I thought had a longer beard. Thwack!! I love the sound of the arrow hitting turkey feathers!! He flopped a couple of times and expired about 10 yards away under a very thorny tree. Bobby didn’t get the connection on film because "I shot the wrong turkey." My take is that "he filmed the wrong turkey." However, he didn’t miss a moment of me retrieving my bird from the thorn tree!

Bobby also took a gobbler. We had a very successful Spring Break!

LSBA Past President
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Mrs. Bobby Kana and Ty and Hunter's Mom =)

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