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Old 09-27-2007, 09:10 AM   #26
Texas Bowhunting & Bowfishing Records Chairman
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Like H4h said, we got skunked on this trip. We saw lots of big elk, just could not put an arrow into any of them. The first evening after we arrived and set up camp, we went out on a ledge to see if we could hear any elk. It did not take long to start seeing elk in all directions. We even watched a very large bear walk across the meadow. We say a heard of cows all by themselves, a really big bull by himself and other bulls bugling all around us. The next morning we got right into the middle of a herd bull with cows. My buddy was up for the shot, and was trying at a little satelite bull. While everything was going on, I walked up on a small bull moose. Then I had a small bull run between me and the moose, but did not want a small one on the first day, so he finally smelled me and spooked. Then we had two larger bulls about 75 yards out that would not come any closer. That was it for day one. The next day really was not any better, had a few close calls, but no luck again. Are area started getting a little crowded with other hunters coming in so we decided to try somewhere else the next day. Once again, we got into a herd of elk, but I could not get any closer than about 60 yards with alot of eyes watching me. The big bull would never give me a open shot. There were several more days like this, and a couple of rain outs in between. We finally moved camp to another location and had lots of elk all around us. We even had one wake us up in the middle of the night bugling within a hundred yards of camp. I guess there was only one day that we did not get into any elk. On the last morning, we finally had a elk that wanted to play with us. We got him mad enough that he would come within 40 yards, but not shot oppurtunity still. He finally circled around us and came in from above us and my buddy almost had the shot. He came walking down the trail he was on, but locked up at 10 yards head on with him with his head down. He finally bolted and that was pretty much it for our trip. We had a big rain storm coming in that evening and decided it was time to head back home. Thanks everyone for your encougement. Elk hunting is alot of work. Bob
Spend time with family and friends, go bowhunting together.
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