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Old 07-20-2007, 01:41 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by tinman
My magazine is planning a pro-crossbow "blitz"...
Don, thanks for being honest enough to declare your intentions. I hope you understand that I will no longer support Texas Fish & Game in any way because of your statement above. I will not be buying the annual Lakes issue this year or any regular issue of your magazine.
Seems we have an enemy not an ally in Texas Fish & Game . I don't have a clue as to how it functions (state or private org) but if state, there has to be funding streams and revenue allocations; If private, the sponsors (other than Xbow manufacturers) need to answer for its anti bowhunting stance. ALL the sponsors need to be contacted. seem to know. Is there an Organization list with officers and/ sponsors list out there? Same with the Xbow manufactureres. What other product names/brands are associated with the XBow. Bowling balls, Boat Equip, golf..etc all.

Given the hostile nature of the above threat, I vote for a product boycott of ALL product lines being a sponsor of the Mag and the X-Bows.

300,000 bowhunters families boycotting these lines may get someone to back off.

I'll run down ALL the product lines and post a list if someone can give me the target manufacturer who is cramming this down out throats!!
Busted Again!
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