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Old 01-30-2007, 05:10 AM   #7
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CONGRATS to everyone voted into office. The membership has spoken and they picked a solid and capable Council. A tip of my camo hat to all of you and what an awesome group of hunters taking the Organization to the next level.

My focus had to shift to the kiddos and everything they are involved in now, but I am looking forward to helping where I can and sharing a few fires in the coming year.

Tracy...thanks for the 'vote' of confidence, (I'm Flattered), but there are many more people far more deserving of that honor and I could never accept it if ever nominated. We have to go hunting together one day soon broski, been too long since we've last seen each other.
"Our tools for the pursuit of wildlife improve faster than we do, and sportsmanship is the voluntary limitation in the use of these armaments." Aldo Leopold, 1949.
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