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Old 11-07-2008, 09:31 AM   #13
Region 78 Rep/Hunt Committee Chairman
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,504
Points: 2115.00

Bear I agree with all you say. I also think that other than the President or other officially chosen voices that anyone who speaks should make it clear that they are representing only themselves or their club, friends, etc.

At most of these meetings you are only alloted a short time frame (like 2 or three minutes). They have a light system with a green light, yellow and red. When it hits red you are done.

It's sometimes worthwhile to have a written statement which you read. It keeps you on track and allows you to cram in more points in the short time frame.

When I was President in 2000 we managed to defeat a similar proposal for youth rifle hunts on every weekend in October.

It's worth hammering that

A. We personally and as an organization support youth hunting.

B. That there are plenty of opportunities in terms of hunting seasons for youth to hunt already and that this is not needed to create hunting opportunities.

C. That this would restrict or limit hunting opportunities for many hunters in the state who hunt on small acreages.

That last point needs to be made. I don't believe that any commissioner has spent the majority of his hunting life hunting on 300 acres or less with five other hunters. If you have a large high fenced lease of several thousand acres, this is not a big deal. For Mr. average Joe Plumber type of guy this will really mess up the season.
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