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Old 02-26-2008, 07:26 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Last Activity: 12-03-2008
 @ 02:11 PM 
Default boazmans and my first ram

first let me start by saying that this place was great! if you are a smart, ethical, and patient hunter, you will see some real beautiful creatures.

now for the story.

i arrive at the gate to be welcomed by doug (the owner) with a big smile. he shows me the bunk house and i get to unpacking. just after getting all settled in caleb the ranch manager/guide rolls on in my way. super great guy and really willing to put you on some great animals. obviously if you are respectful and listen to the man. so after some tallking we go to set me up for some hogs the first night i was there.
i get out to my stand and within minutes after he corns, animals start really moving. i just sat back, stayed still, and said to myself, " hell yesss." black buck, audad, and whitetail scurry away with the coming dusk. soon i see a large group of piggies making it up the road to my right. i grab my bow ever so slowly and go to clip on my release and to my utter disapointment, ... ITS NOT THERE!!!! i totally forgot to bring it. i have made fun of my dad, brother, and anyone else i have ever heard of doing this, and here i am, sitting with my bow and no release. i couldnt stay mad for more then a second because out come some really pretty axis doe's. after they move off, some really nice meat hogs come barrelling up the road. they start munching corn into the fading light. right at the end of my shooting time i decide to try and pull one off without my release. and you can guess what happened then. yep, zinged that arrow right infront of his face and they took off. minutes later caleb comes by, picks me up, and we just laugh at my mistake.
that next morning comes and im back in the stand. hogs are moving around me before i can even see. caleb comes through and corns the route right before shooting time. again, minutes after, animals start moving. the hogs come back out. this time a group of about twenty real nice boars and miscellanious sows and piglets. but this time, I HAVE MY RELEASE!! and with that said, also this was my first day of my ram hunt. so as tempting as they where, they where pretty safe seeing as i would much rather shoot a ram than another hog. well an hour passes and i see some tan creatures coming through the brush about sixty yards to my right. at this point i was at full draw on one of those boars that i was " to good for" thirty minutes earlier. ( hey, what can ya do?) but i at that moment i thought those where corsicans moving towards me so i let down my arrow. i wait patiently for them to move through the brush so i can see what they are, and there i go. waisted another chance at some hogs. because these, as they where gorgeous animals, where not rams but audads. and i am not in the business of paying replacement fees. sure enought they spook off the hogs and i sit back and watch. again saying to myself, "hell yesss."
back at camp i await my hunting buddies, nick and rusty. they come up the road and we all put there stuff away and i take them to meet caleb. sure enough, as they are great guys, they all get along great and we are off to set up for another night of hunting.
this time i am sitting in a new area where we had earlier seen some nice rams. like clockwork, the corn is on the road and the animals are moving. around 4:30 i see some rams coming through heading up the road to feed. about twelve black hawaiians and one corsican. they come walking through my shooting window one by one like we had them orchestrated. perfect. third from the last was a nice corsican. great black markings around his eyes and lips with a brilliant white contrasting over his fore head and face, he was more than willing to make my day. given he had no idea he was going to. i draw back, place my pin on him, and let one fly. sssshhhhhhwwwwACK! arrow flies straight and true. and this unfortunate ram stumbles for a minute, regains his composure, and carfully staggers into the brush. twenty yards later, i watch him expire. or i thought.
i get off my stand, waiting a good thirty minutes even though i see him down, and my heart is punding. while i was waiting i think i text-messaged everyone in my phone. stumbling on every letter with my hand trembling and heart pounding. i then walk over to claim my prize, and to my suprize, he lifts his head up and slowly looks around. i could have swore he was dead already! well i pull another arrow out and fling it at him with bad intinsions. crack!!! it hits a branch three feet in front of the ram and snaps in half. i shrug it off and almost like a well performed magic trick, i was already drawn with another arrow. as if i knew that i was going to miss the first time or something. i am releasing and he stands up. " to late now", i think to my self, and there goes the arrow. flying straight. and when i say straight, i mean straight in his *****. buried deep, he wabbled, staggered, and fell dead. hesitating for to go to camp and telling a tail of shooting him in the rear, i walk back.
i get caleb and go collect my trophy. load him up and take him back and take some ldp's. laughing about my horrible shot but in a playfull way. because ultimately, i successfully shot and killed my first ram ever. and with my bow. after some nice cold beers and several good times and laughs at my expense, we get to our assigned beds. as my eys shut and sleep coming really fast, i take a deep breath and say to my self...


so with a completed and successful hunt, the story does not really come to an end. but for my typing fingers' sake, it does. enjoy these pictures agian and look to the " rate the day lease" section for my review of boazmans quatro b. thanks and i hope you enjoyed my story.

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