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Old 07-18-2007, 12:51 PM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Hill country
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Heres the most important part

Let me warn you about what will happen if this vocal group of bowhunters doesn't calm down and quit thinking it's exclusively their October season, because I've already heard the comments from House Reresentatives and Lobbyist. You know, the people that pass these regulations and laws. One, is a god friend of mine. What is being threatened is this: Since there are 500,000 xbow shooters, and 300,000 bow (Longbow/compound bow) they see more money coming in from the xbow shooters and the idea has been brought to the floor that if those 300,000 shooters want an exclusive season, they will make October xbow season, then run the general season, and when that season is finished. THEN in January, have those minority bow hunters their own exclusive season if that is really what their problem is with allowing xbows during archery season. It would be pushed back to after everyone else is done hunting. So, the moral to this story is... AND you are exactly right about the money. Isn't everything in the business world? Companies and associations do not run on emotions. They look at the bottom dollar. TPWD is doing the same thing thinking if they allow xbows in archery season, all those 500,000 shooters will have to purchase an archery tag. Money does talk, and that's just how it is.
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