Thread: Bowhunting...
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Old 08-24-2010, 10:04 PM   #4
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Keep your stories coming. I am new to bowhunting. I have only been bowhunting for four years. I still use a rifle and I am not sure that I will completely lay it down since that is a part of hunting that me and my father both share.

My family and friends introduced me to hunting. I refused to bow hunt in the beginning simply because I was afraid of not having a clean kill. After, watching my friends shoot their bows and having the opportunity to experience nature up close in the hill country, I finally decided to give bowhunting a chance.

I am so grateful that I over came my fear and acquired the passion. I still have a lot to learn.

This past season, I experience a incredible moment which would never happened if I remained in my rifle blind. I watch a young buck proudly standing in the woods and enjoying his surroundings. With every breath he took his pride could be seen as his chest grew. I could see smoke coming from his nostrils in the cold frosty morning. He stood there simply breathing in nature for about ten minutes and then he ran off.

I felt like I was watching a wildlife scene coming to life before my eyes. As I watched him enjoy his surroundings, I realized the beauty of bowhunting is taking the time to relish the outdoors.

Bowhunting has given me an opportunity to serve my community and meet some interesting individuals. I only hope that I can give back to the sport as much as it has given me in this short period of time.

Last edited by axisbuck24; 08-24-2010 at 11:30 PM..
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