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Old 07-23-2009, 05:40 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

Hey Old timer, I've been hunting there since 1978. The place has change so much from the time I started hunting there. My first day out by the protected area I walked up to a mesquite tree in the middle of some tall grass in a small clearing. As I got closer the mesquite tree got up and I was about 35 yds from the biggest monster trophy buck of a lifetime(180) My arrow was nocked, I drew back and all hell broke loose, Buck fever hit me so hard I could kept my eye open, my leg was shaking , and after what seem to be 10 minutes I let the arrow fly. I shot over his back and missed by inches, but to my surprise he just ran about 5 yds to my left ,so I nocked aonther arrow thinking he was going to run to the next county and shot again. Another miss, and this time it was inches short under his front quarter. By this time I felt a heart attack coming on, but he dont' move. Was it a hit or did I miss, no wasting anytime , I nocked another arrow and took aim and released the arrow, but that time the buck didnt wait for the arrow and I never was that monster buck ever again.
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