Thread: Congrats Buff
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Old 01-21-2009, 10:15 AM   #5
Just Me
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Sorry for the delay. I'm traveling this week
I had a blast. I really enjoyed everybody there. It was a fun group. I never had a shot at a pig, I spent alot of time keeping them moving and saw alot of them. Saturday night Brian told me he would cut us a deal on a Sheep if anyone wanted to shoot one. I had not seen one that afternoon and Had high hopes they would stay away from me Sunday. Early Sunday morning I passed up a broadside 15 yard shot one and was feeling really proud of myself. A couple of hours later I ran up on them again. Well I'm only made out of flesh and blood so When they turned to leave I whacked the biggest of the bunch. Later that morning when I ran across Chunky, I told him I had shot one. He replayed "Heck I knew that was gonna happen. PS and extra thanks for everyone putting up with my Dog. I'm trying to train a Jack Russel to run blood trails. Hunts like this give him LOTS of practice and he learned alot.
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