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Old 11-11-2008, 06:25 AM   #39
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You say that you see it as an opportunity, but you failed to point out why that is the case. I asked previously, why if kids already have the opportunity to deer hunt with a rifle on weekends in November, December and January plus a weekend in October that they need the other October weekends. You failed to answer that question.
It is an opportunity for more days make it easier for more youth and their families to get a "headstart". Kids deserve a head start as much as anyone. Why not give them a chance to kill a good buck before every tom dick and joe blast a buck on your neighboring 35 acres. They're going to die most likely anyway. Why not give kids a chance.

Mesquite, I have four kids, all tried hunting with a rifle. Only one took up bowhunting and he is the only one that still hunts, so you are wrong when you say that this is not the demographic we are chasing. If there hadn't been an archery season he never would have tried bowhunting and I would have no kids that still hunt.
If your kids wouldnt have tried bowhunting then that is your duty as their leader. If they fall out of hunting then somewhere along the line we failed them by not giving them enough. But your children are not the demographic we are looking for. Your children, being that you have an extremely proud hunting back ground would be almost guaranteed to hunt. We as a group need kids that would never pick up a gun or bow and take them to hunt. Picking up every person that PETA has missed. That's who we need. I'm sorry but your's and my kids or anyone else that's on this site or tbh are not the kids that we need to worry about. We need numbers.

Let me make a suggestion to you. Go to Parks and Wildlife and propose that only youth be allowed to hunt with a rifle for the first nine days of the rifle (general season). That's the first two weekends plus the intervening weekdays. If you truly believe in more youth rifle opportunities at any cost then you will support this even though it takes away from your season. But hey don't look at it as taking away or degrading your season, look at it as an opportunity.
I'm a bowhunter not just a rifle hunter. My preferred method always has been bowhunting. I'm all for taking away from my season. I just think it should be done in bow season! General season is already set in place. Why would we change what they already have. We need to provide more opportunities. More opportunities equals more time in the woods for kids. Dont go into the well their parents should be going during general season. That is irrelevant. If we picked up 5 extra youth hunters because of this than we did our job. That's 5 more than we didnt have yesterday.

I imagine you'll say that this isn't the same as this doesn't allow people to hunt during that time. I've got news for you, putting hunters with rifles right next door to my small archery stand doesn't allow me to hunt either.
Thank you for proving my point. Selfishness will be the death of our sport. You dont want youth to hunt to be able to shoot a deer next door to you. You dont want them to shoot crossbows. You dont want anyone hunting on "your" month. If you dont like your lease and the neighbors are screwing it up then do what any american does. Work harder and get something you like. Somebody could start gun hunting MLD next door to you tomorrow and their not a thing you could do about it. Wouldnt you at least rather have kids smiling with a buck or someone shooting 10 deer for culls that you would have been proud to kill.

At least you have been steady in your ideology. You only want "your" way.

This is why our sport is dying. Because selfishness and greed, because we as a whole are unwilling to give up anything of "ours" to carry on the torch.

I've hunted low fence, low population, small acreage. Does it suck. Yes! If you dont like the way your neighbors hunt get up and go talk to them. TPWD has done an excellent job putting in antler restrictions and improving populations. Now it is up to us to make sure we continue on the heritage.
Hunting season is upon us! May my arrows be fast, quiet, and accurate

Greatest Smiley Ever
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