Thread: Lot of Bad luck
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Old 10-06-2008, 10:22 AM   #1
LSBA Region 75 Rep/Hunt Committee
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Default Lot of Bad luck

First off my wife fell and broke her shoulder Friday. The doctor says she will be off 4 to 6 weeks, just depends on how the rehab goes. And needless to say I was giving her a hard time about getting old. Well Sunday morning I'm heading to my deer stand, step over the fence, land on a rock that turns my ankle and I fall in a hole. Now I'm laying on the ground in a lot of pain. I go ahead and crawl to my stand, the pain is killing me now, I can stand a lot of pain but this hurts BAD. I finally get to the house and go to the ER. Its not broke but it did tear the tendons, the foots in the air for 5 days with no weight on it at all, then 5 more days on crutchs.
I guess I will keep my mouth shut about getting OLD, my wife is having to much fun with this.
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